If you ever need a billionaire, bad boy, alpha male romance to restore your faith in the genre then Bad Billionaire by Julie Kriss is the book to do it. I’m not joking, I loved this book.
A lot!

Devon is not your typical billionaire… In fact at the beginning of the story, he’s not a billionaire at all. He’s just a small time hood, making ends meet by fixing cars and driving the getaway van. He’s not a good guy. He’s not a nice guy. He’s rude. He’s crude. He’s got a troubled past. He likes his sex rough. But he's not another example of toxic masculinity in romance. There’s depth to him. More than I expected or gave him credit for.

Yeah, kind of like that.
Olivia is your typical heroine. She’s stuck in a dead end job. She lives in a rundown apartment. She’s been forced to give up her dreams for the reality of life. Her job takes advantage of her. There is so much real about her that I swear I’ve met this girl. Hell, I’ve been this girl. She’s relatable the way good romance novel heroines are. She’s well-rounded. She’s got goals and interests separate from the hero. She’s not out to change the hero. She’s just trying to live her life. And Olivia’s struggles seem real from her job, to her college debt, to making ends meet. Even better she isn’t too stupid to live.

I mean it when I say I loved this book. It was a serious breath of fresh air after the stale stench of toxic masculinity I’ve been forced to read lately. This whole book surprised me. But in the best of ways. I read it straight through until 5am, because I didn’t want to put it down. It was a glass of water after a long dry spell filled with dnf’d books, clunky prose, and cliched characters. This book had none of those.
The side characters made sense. The way Devon became a billionaire made sense. The struggles they faced made sense. The Romantic suspense made sense. Even the solution made sense.

I was so satisfied I actually went out and bought the box set which has all 4 novels in it. Five easy stars.

Even better this book is free! So seriously, GET IT NOW!!!
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