You ever have one of those books that you download because it’s free and then never read? Yeah, this was one of those books. I went on a time travel spree about two years ago, and I’m only now getting around to reading everything – bad Lark no biscuit!
I wish I had read this sooner.
But as it stands, I happened to read it just in time for the holidays. And this is a Holiday Book. So let’s dive in!
Agent TimeTrap had a plan for Christmas. She’d dress up in some vintage clothing, use her powers, and visit her grandparents in 1969. It was going to be perfect. Except for two things – One: her mother and, worse, the producer of her mother’s reality show force her to make an appearance on a very special holiday special and Two: her co-workers keep turning up missing. Make that three things, her boss wants her to network with one of the other guests, a billionaire genius philanthropist named Max. Maybe if she just grins and bears it she can sneak out in time to visit her grandparents.
No such luck.
The party is crashed by some kind of soldier with a mission. A mission to kidnap max. What’s an agent to do? Save the dude! Besides, saving Max should make her boss happy. So what if he’s kind of cute. And funny. And smart. And oh crap, she’s falling for him. But before she can fall in love, she needs to save the future and the guy she’d like to get to know better.
The Grandfather Paradox is one of those books that is the RIGHT book to make free. Seriously. Take note, this is how you hook people. Give them a complete story that can stand on its own that showcases your writing but leave them intrigued with the rest of the universe. Because let me tell you, I am intrigued.

I really liked how the time travel was dealt with and that it was more of science bend than a fantasy one. It totally worked with how quantum physics works as far as we know it. And even better, the time travelling that the heroine does has consequences.
The way that the reality show world was portrayed was frankly spot on. So many little tidbits of what it is like from the cold food to the manufactured drama. The author clearly did her research and that matters!
I also loved the leads. Kali is snarky, has a strong character voice, and is a great POV narrator. Max is a great geek and even better he’s disabled and his disability isn’t glossed over or ignored.
I really enjoyed this book. I want to read more of this series when I can find the cash.
Five stars!

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