So let’s start with a disclaimer: this is Rose reviewing, since Lark participated in this anthology under her second pen name… can you guess which story is hers?
That said, Tempting Treats is a great anthology of quick romance/erotica short stories. This one, unlike most of @caitlynlynch's anthologies, very much leans towards the paranormal (not surprising, given the Halloween theme), so if you hate paranormal, this isn’t the anthology for you. But at only 99 cents for fifteen stories, it’s well worth it.
I’m going to talk a bit about each story because, you know, lots of different stories.
Under the Moon by Tally Bane
Definitely a good choice of start to the book, this story was pretty much pure erotica.
Which, you know, super hot.
Honestly, there’s not much more to say, but if you’re looking for good smut, this story is a great choice.
The Guardian by Siobhan Kearney
In comparison, this story leans more toward the romance end, with a sweet sort-of-immortal guy and some interesting magic fights. Also, there was a cute dog.
Not as much about the sex, but that didn’t detract from the story at all.
Safe Within Her Skin by Liadain Douglas
This one was a little slower to start, but I liked the use of the selkie mythology and the possibly-historical world. Very sweet.
Brave Magics by Miranda Deacon
First threesome! If you like friends-to-lovers, this is a good story, though the present tense is always a bit jarring. I did like the story though.
A Love of Her Own by Moxie Rivers
One of the better stories in my opinion, we’ve finally got our first (and only) appearance of vampires.
Lucy was an extremely well-written character, and I definitely wanted to read more of her history.
Spectre by Annika Steele
A really innovative sort-of-threesome with yet another adorable dog.
(Okay, seriously, you can’t go wrong with adorable dogs. This is a rule.)
Death and the Lady by Charli Decker
This one was in my opinion one of the most innovative stories in the bunch - you just don’t expect to see Death as a character in a romantic relationship! A great story from a newbie.
The Rising of the Moon by Ava Bari
I found this one fun, especially the way Alanna (the POV character) treated the whole thing. Plus, her comments on sportsball made me laugh. Good story, hot sex. A plus.
Preparations and Decorations by Airenn Martlock
Another mostly erotica story, this one was a fun threesome. Not my favorite in the bunch, but still quite good.
A Night of Learning by Nyssa Whitehead
Historical is a lot of fun, though the use of present tense definitely threw me out a bit (imo historical fiction shouldn’t be written in present tense because it sort of ruins the illusion of being in the past).
There was some interesting sex here, and I like what the author did with that.
Midnight Masquerade by V.T. Charbonneau
Max’s boyfriend is an ass, but luckily he’s not the love interest! I really liked Theo, and the two of them were great. Good use of magic. And honestly this story had one of my favorite side characters - I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Z!
Tricks and Treats by Livvy Ward
This one’s a sequel to a story in Red Hots, and you can’t go wrong with Cupid being in love.
Or with him having stupidly hot sex with his girlfriend.
Masquerade by Nikola Christain
This one is a case of “your kink is not my kink” - while I objectively could see how it was hot, it didn’t do anything for me. A well-written story, but definitely not my cup of tea.
The Disappeared by Abbigail Clark
This one was super poignant - ghosts having a romance shouldn’t work but it totally does. I really liked their relationship.
The Curse of the Donkey Dong by Caitlyn Lynch
And finally we come to this one, which was hilarious. Caleb, the POV character, read as very real to me. And there were fae. And succubi. A great anchor story to this anthology.
All in all, it was an excellent bunch of stories and definitely worth reading - and you can get it now for only 99 cents!
Five stars.
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